It’s all over the news, even causing President Trump to address the concern in a brief conference last night : coronavirus (or, more properly, COVID-19). You can click here to see Trump’s remarks, they start on COVID-19 at 06:30 on the time stamp slide, prior to that it’s set-up, and remarks on the most recent mass shooting. At 23:50 on the same video, a representative from the CDC speaks about how to stay healthy.
In an effort to provide facts, we’re sharing a link-rich resource with you. Each link (until the word “*Additionally”) takes you to a vetted medical or science-based source.
The main advice health officials are repeating is the importance of good and frequent hand-washing.
The good news is: That’s simple! The bad news is: you may be doing it wrong. You can review how to do it correctly here. In short, 20 seconds of good, serious scrubbing with soap and water (sing the Happy Birthday song from beginning to end twice), and get under your nails–all sorts of creepy stuff can linger there.
Other advice includes: covering your mouth and nose properly if coughing or sneezing (the previous advice via World Health Organization or WHO), keeping out of people’s “personal bubble,” and, if you’re sick (cold, flu, whatever), please stay home.
The virus is zoonotic, and has an incubation period of 1 to 14 days (with most people showing symptoms at five days after exposure before symptoms show up). Symptoms include fever, cough, shortness of breath.
If you would like to see a map of where cases have been verified, Johns Hopkins has shared one that is very informative.
The CDC is providing tips for communities so they can be better prepared here.
This is a useful site to share with friends on social media if you want to help slow the spread of disinformation.
The CDC also has suggestions for businesses and employers to consider as pandemic plans are updated (which should routinely be done).
Here’s what the NY Gov site specifically says about it: They have a chart they are updating daily there.
*Additionally, one CDC official (head of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Dr. Nancy Messonnier) has suggested Americans consider preparing for a disruption of norms by being ready with essential supplies, food, water, medicine, and entertainment for family members. Dr. Messonnier has also suggested schools consider tele-schooling and that certain jobs consider telecommuting options for employees. You can read her suggestions here or here, at various news media sites.
We hope this is helpful to our patrons and readers. At the library we are continuing to disinfect shared surfaces and items and have no issues (ever) if you need to call and renew books because you are feeling under the weather. We are here to help you.