For those eager readers who may not know, we are still offering No-Contact Curbside Pick-Up appointments. You can contact Shannon at the library or send the library a message through Facebook (we’re HarrisLibrary there) to figure out a time that works best for you. The Facebook page even offers a selection of already ready-to-go-books in “Genre Bags” (there’s a special photo album) that you can choose from, but, as you know, Shannon wants you to have as much choice in your reading as possible, so, if you’d like to call the library and ask if she has certain things, she’s happy to check both the inventory and the shelves with the phone to her ear!
In August, we hope to be able to open for brief browsing appointments by people who schedule ahead and wear a mask as a precaution (Shannon will also be wearing one, of course). Part of the scheduling depends on the rest of our “sneeze guards” going up, but Shannon’s husband will be working hard to get everything done as soon as all the materials arrive.
The start of browsing appointments does not mean No-Contact Curbside will completely stop–Shannon wants you to be as comfortable as possible with the services we offer. You are always allowed to call and ask for what is best for you. If we can accommodate you, we will.