Saturday night (July 24th) we’re hosting two movies, themed activities and snacks. If you’re planning on coming but haven’t gotten your free tickets (please get them in advance, they’re cute AND help us judge how many people to expect), and haven’t told your family what’s showing this Saturday night, you can use the two mood boards below to give them hints.
Here are additional hints to give: Both movies have the word “princess” in them. The first movie is animated, rated G, and, compared to where the library is, MUCH further south, while still in the USA.

The second movie is rated PG, and based on a bestselling book.

If you want to guess and then see if you’re right, you can go to our movie listings post for the movies’ names. If you’re familiar with both movies, maybe you can look at the Mood Boards again to see if the hints are ones you recognize.