A new activity every day of our Summer Reading Program? Yes. THAT’s what’s happening at the library.
We’ve hosted Coffee Klatsch, S.T.E.M. with Stickers, weekly Story Times, doodling/tangling, coloring zoo animal masks, creating poetry out of newspapers, doing gods eyes, and we’re setting up for our first Summer Saturday Movie Night in the library backyard, complete with free snacks, activities and great movies. There is, quite literally, something for everyone, regardless of your age or ability level.
Scratch art craft for our art on the porch. Power-washing the library in advance of our upcoming movie nights. Gods eye crafts ready for yarn. More gods eyes-to-be. The great people of Coffee Klatsch! Everyone’s welcome to Saturday Coffee Klatsch, even Bella! Checking our new movie night screen. Mood boards for guessing our first double-feature. More movie mood boards! Are you already thinking about our Summer Reading Program wrap-up on August 21st? We are! Lawn games for movie nights. Another fun lawn game for our movie nights!