We love our traditions and community here in Otego and the Annual Silver Tea is a great event to enjoy.
Due to concerns about some of our valued Senior community members not feeling safe driving at night, the time of the Tea is 2pm.
What exactly IS our Silver Tea? It’s a tradition started by Miss Dasa Harris (who once owned the Harris Memorial House and library property). We all gather together to enjoy tea and other beverages and delicious snacks in the historic Harris Memorial House (which is decked out in holiday splendor). The piano starts up (thanks to the nimble hands of Irmabelle Sheldon) and we sing a bit, thank our volunteers, and announce the winners of the Silver Tea Baskets. It’s all about kindness and good cheer and maintaining a sense of community and connectivity. Granted, it’s an old-timey thing, but some of the best th
ings are sweet traditions that we can pass along.