Inclement or Hazardous Weather Policy

As the first “Snowpocalypse” of the season approaches, we thought it might be smart to share our full and complete “Inclement or Hazardous Weather Policy” here. Shannon has taken a moment to place in bold the most pertinent (in her mind) parts for our patrons. In short, if Unatego closes, the library will very likely close, no fines will accrue, and patrons may call 988-6661 and leave a message to renew resources.


Harris Memorial Library

Inclement or Hazardous Weather Policy

Weather-related situations may occasionally require altered hours of operation or complete closure of the Harris Memorial Library. Although all reasonable attempts will be made to keep the library open during regularly scheduled hours in order to best serve the public, the safety of our patrons and staff are of utmost importance.

The library will be closed if the Unatego School District closes due to inclement weather, and programs/events already scheduled for the library on that day will be cancelled. The opening of the library will be postponed for the day if the Unatego School District postpones their opening, and the library may close early, especially on days the Unatego School District closes early due to weather concerns.

In some cases library staff will attempt to open, or remain open, if circumstances, locality, and availability of staff or Board members allow.  Stay tuned to our Facebook page (@HarrisLibrary) for details.

The library will close, delay opening or close ahead of schedule when the weather becomes hazardous to the health and/or safety of the public and/or library staff.  Emergency/inclement weather closings will be authorized by the Director and/or the Board of Library Trustees with observance of local conditions and in accordance with National or New York Weather Service Warnings, Watches, and Advisories. Early closures may be announced at any time during the work day to ensure the safety of patrons and staff traveling in the evening hours.

During questionable weather, please do not attempt to travel to the library without first listening to the local radio station and checking our Facebook page to ensure the library is open.

The public will be notified of postponements, closing, or changes in hours of operation through the following means:

  • Facebook posting @HarrisLibrary
  • Local television announcements
  • Local radio announcements

Library resources can be renewed over the phone (messages left during closure will be honored), and fines will not accrue during closures, so use caution when travel is concerning.

If severe weather and/or emergency conditions arise during the day and the library is to close early, library patrons already in the building will be notified immediately.

In the case of suddenly arising severe weather (microbursts/tornados, etc.), patrons and staff currently inside the library will take shelter until the danger has passed in either the office closet, or in the basement, depending on circumstance, mobility, and number of people.

Thank you and stay safe!


In the event of needing to issue a closing or delay, the Library Director and Board members should be in contact via email or phone the evening prior to an expected problem, with a vote being made by Board members by 8:30pm that night, so that the appropriate media groups/outlets may be notified by 6:30am the morning of the potential delay/closing.

If a super-local member of the Board volunteers to open the library instead, they must make that clear before a vote is issued and responded to.

Board approved February 20, 2019.